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That day is just the winter

That day is just the winter solstice, going to go with his family and the feast. But I QiYun open to Qingdao city, it began to the snow, before long, pavement condition is worse, snow in pavement directly into ice. Owing to the snow is very low visibility, the road smooth, offset, and a car out of control direction slippery slope to the next, leave! Owing to the snow and it was already dark, very dangerous situation, my daughter-in-law, sitting on the driver was didn't dare move. I want to restart the vehicle, they found that always play do not catch fire. I head "coax" once found, the car if bad in our way, not cultivated land, that every day, that should not be as ineffective, how can we do?
I hurriedly get off, but check the vertical look, gm tech2 I just see can't see where the problem, get on the car, and then repeated several times to try again, no solution to this problem is also dare not to open. Get on the car off the back and forth a few times, mind also slowly cool, remind of me the accessory with the maintenance of the manual, say this habit or I at ordinary times has been to maintenance chery 4 S shops receptionist told me. Turn over maintenance manual, I decided to go looking for the nearest telephone service stations. But when we are very hesitant, so heavily, chery service personnel will be willing to come? But after the phone call, 4 S inn staff immediately removed our doubts, they know the situation, said immediately after the master schedule maintenance, send people rescue.
When snow began to more and more big, x431 diagun I hide in the car and looked at the sky snow, a pick up a. Before long, my phone rang, and the other told me chery 4 S inn of maintenance and repair of the teacher, in understanding the car after he first, comfort me need not nervous, asked I related operations details, analysis the reason of engine dozen do not catch fire, may be due to the climate, environment is snowy, of vehicle impact is bigger. Maintenance in the determination of the master, immediately promised within half an hour will arrived. Although the weather was cold, but help me solve the problem of the service station strength let my heart warmed a comfortable.
In the meantime chery 4 S inn staff and to give I hit two telephone, comfort me, ask me of the current situation, and told that my master has the way of maintenance. After about 23 minutes, chery 4 S inn two maintenance teacher arrived in time. They only try starting time, judge whether out should be blocked by exhaust pipes. In the wind and snow, the two master a person control direction, another man behind the car. Because engine always play do not catch fire and vehicle stuck in half, TOYOTA Intelligent Tester2 IT2 let a snow two teacher how hard, my QiYun is always in freeze. The snow, the greater the car start as soon as possible in order to open the road, the teacher decided to maintenance first clean up at the bottom of the vehicle, space, and then snow ground processing exhaust pipes of snow for a moment, just listen to the da da da engine voice, my QiYun was finally able to start. After two and a half to 50 will push master vehicles to move into the road, maintenance teacher took out after diagnosis to the car and made a series of quick check, prevent as the vehicle exhaust pipe is blocked flameout lead to other aspects, fortunately, abnormal test results found no have other issues. At the end of the inspection, repair the master said to me: as the vehicle in the snow slippery slope to the side of the road, the vehicle chassis totally in snow, making a lot of snow into the exhaust pipe forming jams, cause the engine dozen not on fire, now has made a comprehensive cleaning. In order to ensure safety, the two teachers also give me some snow driving skills, and I hope I can go to come back from his home after a chery 4 S inn, they will give me the vehicles do detailed check and eliminate hidden dangers and I was excited of hard took it of their hand. Chery no customer need, want to customer need, it is very moving.


"Product planning" of the

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From professional Angle for product planning is equivalent to commodity development staff military adviser. It focuses on to realize enterprise operating profit as the starting point, oakley sunglasses to meet the needs of the consumers as the basic market oriented, for realized commodity to sell to consumers from a series of planning and management. Of course this one specific also related to commodity planning, product development, production, sales, marketing strategy, brand spread, the store management, etc. Simply said, it means business planning, in reference to "buy" and "sell" problem, solitary standard to come to markets and commodities resources effectively integrate, with the maximum degree occupy new market share at the lowest cost, create biggest commercial value.
In the fierce market competition, brand goods of forces also increasingly is particularly important. So, the goods force to ascend to the strategic level is the focus of the present market planning. According to market research data shows the authority, the argument really get a lot of people praise highly. Here, we from merchandise and the core of the brand development perspective, rayban sunglasses product planning is undoubtedly the best way to improve commodity force. So how to make product planning, research and develop the best products is the focus of the brand upgrades eyes. Is just as marketing said, good product is the foundation and the core brand, good planning is product development of catalysts. Is to improve the goods on the market forces, we must research and design a good products; To design a meet consumer market of good commodities, will have a precise feasible market product planning tracking. So, to ensure that products closely linked to realize value optimization.
Product research and development and the terminal market sales are interdependent and promote each other. Products in the role of sales, sales directly represent the terminal market. Objectively, it also requires product planning must listen to the voice of the market in time, and resolutely quickly make effective planning. But at the same time, we also must be made clear to the goods, the terminal market planning, enterprise especially to market to the forefront of the basis of fashion shoes clothes enterprise, often need more fully consider not limit the influence factors of some. Such as these shoes clothes enterprise should to do image and price advantage show consumers? Should choose how to display kind to reflect the theme of brand development? And how should properly handle the good market terminal logistics conveyor and inventory of series problem? No doubt, gucci sunglasse the overall objective request to strengthen the enterprise sales link for more reasonable decorate. After all, the overall planning of the terminal market in some extent directly affect the market operation of the brand.
In short, as a business and a brand, product planning for the operation in play a crucial role in has not to be underestimated. Product planning is already in the development of the enterprise across each link, and the progressive penetration to market the most forward. It or thrusting enterprise in the new areas for development occupy more market share, or leading enterprise in the sharp market into the tide of the field to a higher. Say so, elaborate good product planning of each link, has become the main melody of many enterprise development. Then, it also is its subjective with the scientific effectiveness and market precision, constantly pushing other new product comprehensive appreciation and image


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